Friday, 17 February 2017

Material obesity or experientialism

Due to the Industrial revolution and mass production objects became widely available and affordable. Thrift was replaced by enthusiastic consumerism. This over consumption in society was a bare necessity for economic growth.   
Nowadays the individual and society suffer from the excess, which results in mobility problems, climate change, credit crisis and stagnation of the economic growth.
Too many possessions distract the mind and crowded rooms have an effect on our peace of mind.

Neuro anthropologist John Allen from the University of Southern California declared that our living space is strongly linked to the view on ourselves. The reorganization of our house gives us the feeling we can change our lives. 

There's a need for cultural shifting: to switch over from a high living standard to better quality of life. With material obesity causing stress, a return to the simple life lived in the middle seems to be the essence.  Temperentia is the moderate means between asceticism and indulgence. 

The essence of life is to be found in the essence of existence(from Latin existere): the experience, the conscious knowledge that derives from personal activity and practice. Inner experiences are reflections, sensory experiences are sensations. The empiricists were guided by experience, to them the sole source of knowledge.

Professor of psychology Daniel Gilbert from Harvard University says experiences make us happy because we first look forward to them, then we're glad to go through them to eventually be left with lovely recollections.

German philosopher Immanuel Kant(1724-1804) believed all knowledge is related to experience, without experience knowledge becomes impossible. Sensory perception and reason as the highest cognitive ability should go hand in hand. His writings focused on critical thinking with the use of self criticism to find truth and enlightenment in ourselves. 

Danish thinker Sören Aaby Kierkegaard(1813-1855) gave a new meaning to existence. The founder of existentialism analysed human existence as a reality one should experience instead of a problem to be solved. After Kierkegaard existentialist philosophy, with historical roots in Greek philosophy, was further developed by Sartre, Camus, Marcel and Heidegger, whose existence precedes the essence.

Maslow's fully functioning individual is open to new experiences, people and ideas, for life in general. A healthy individual experiences as a child, wisely using his organism. With his open personality and self knowledge he applies his experience to observe and express himself. 

To be intensely involved in the experience of life, its fulfilments and predicaments, is the best way to live consciously. Simplicity helps to maintain the equilibrium of avoiding extremes. Interpersonal relationships colour our lives

Pleasant experiences enrich life, matter can not in long term.
Quality before quantity, or simplified: less is more.